Dr. Rowena McClinton Excellence in History Education Award

Applications for these award(s) will be submitted to the Honors and Awards Committee in the Department of History. Recipients will be chosen by this committee from applications received. The awards are open to students majoring in History and seeking a secondary education certification. Criteria for selection are as follows: * must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 in History courses * Student(s) must be selected in the spring semester when they are student teaching. Preference will be given to underrepresented students, however all eligible students are encouraged to apply. The amount of the scholarship(s) are anticipated to be $1,000 for a single student or two $500 scholarships if there are two recipients, but will be determined based on available funds. These funds may be used for tuition or applied to educational costs. The award will be given in conjunction with Honors Day.

Area of Interest
College of Arts and Sciences, History