John L. Condellone & Afrodite (Flora) Burgassi Condellone History Award

The recipient of this scholarship will be chosen by a committee established by the Chair of the Historical Studies Department. The award is open to undergraduate and graduate Historical Studies students and will be awarded for a paper, thesis or research project on one of the following topics:

  • The Italian Diaspora
  • Italians or Italo-Americans in the labor union movement
  • Italians or Italo-American contributions to American culture
  • Italian or Italo-American contributions to our region: Southern Illinois and the Metropolitan St. Louis area
  • Italian culture or history.

The amount of the scholarship will be determined based upon available funds and may be used for tuition or applied to educational costs. The award will be given in conjunction with Honors Day.

Area of Interest
College of Arts and Sciences, History