Edwin B. Warren Collegium Musicum or Graduate Performance Award

Awards in $50 increments, depending upon the amount in the fund, will be made at the appropriate honors convocation. The recipient of the annual Collegium Musicum Award will be a graduate student in any of the graduate degree programs in Music, who has been enrolled for credit in the Collegium and who has made a definite contribution to it. The student receiving the award will be selected by the Director of the Collegium Musicum. Should the Collegium become inactive for a period of time, the award during that period will go to the most outstanding graduate performance major enrolled in the Master of Music degree program. The recipient should have THE HIGHEST grade point average and should have completed 36 hours of work, including all required work except the recital. The list of candidates will be drawn up and the recipient selected by special committee of the performance faculty. Each area (voice, keyboard, strings, winds, brass, percussion) being represented on the committee. In the case of a tie (two or more students having the same qualifications), the recipient will be determined by vote of the entire Music faculty.

Area of Interest
College of Arts and Sciences, Music