Dr. Laura McCullough Scholarship

This scholarship will support underrepresented minority students that show great promise in their respective Science, Technology, Engineering or Math (STEM) field. Consideration will be given to full-time students majoring in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics & Statistics, Environmental Sciences, Anthropology, Civil Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Mechatronics & Robotics Engineering. Applicants must show a demonstrated financial need. Awards can be received for a maximum of 4 years and the amount of the award will be based on funds available.

Preference will be given to underrepresented minority students in each field, as defined by representation averages. All students are encouraged to apply. Awards can be received for a maximum of 4 years.

Area of Interest
Anthropology, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Civil Engineering, Department of Computer Science, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Math, Physics